Geometric purple and blue pattern. Image by Ferdinand Stohr

Vanessa MacIsaac              

Hi there!

I'm Vanessa, welcome to my personal website! I work at the Bank of Canada as a Software Developer. I graduated from the University of Ottawa with a degree in Computer Science in 2015.

In my free time I love reading, discovering new music, origami, baking, astronomy, and checking out travel photography.

I am very passionate about volunteering and helping others. One of my main focuses is encouraging young women to pursue a career in technology. I volunteered in 2017 and 2018 as a mentor in the Ottawa Chapter of the Technovation program. Here is a video about the program, including clips of me discussing my experiences from 2017.


I really enjoy writing, and occassionally showing it to other people! I made this section to link to some posts I've written. If you have feedback for me or comments feel free to send me an email.

  • I wrote a feature on myself for the NSERC/Pratt & Whitney Canada Chair for Women in Science and Engineering - Ontario blog
  • I did a lightning talk on Women in Tech at CUSEC 2015


I love programming and in this section I want to share some of my knowledge through tutorials. Also, I'll be documenting any future technical endeavour as well as professional work I have done.

  • I am a co-author on the paper Graph-based personalized recommendation in social tagging systems which was presented at the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops. My contribution was implementing a proof of concept song recommending app based off the Katz measure
  • I was part of a team of four at HackWestern 2015 and we made "Walk Me Through It", a haptic feedback navigation system for the visually impaired. We mounted vibrational motors on a headset that we signalled via bluetooth from our Android application. You can view the detailled write up on Devpost here


To reach me drop me a line at:

Or check me out on:     GitHub     CodePen     LinkedIn    Twitter

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Cover photo from Ferdinand Stöhr on Unsplash